Abdominoplasty Perth

Tighten your Stomach

Tighten the appearance of the abdominal area with an abdominoplasty

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Body plastic surgery 01, Dr Hanikeri Perth


An abdominoplasty surgery, also known as a tummy tuck is designed to tighten the appearance of the abdominal area, according to the unique preferences of each patient.

Changes to the abdominal area that can naturally occur over time can potentially be caused by pregnancy, significant weight loss or the natural ageing process. These factors can cause abdominal skin to become loose.

In the case of pregnancy, the muscles within the abdominal wall can become weakened and/or separated (rectus diastasis). These conditions and changes to the abdomen cannot be reversed with diet and/or exercise alone, and typically require surgical intervention to remove excess skin and fat.

What is an abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty procedures involve removing excess skin and fat, usually after weight loss or pregnancy and in most cases, requires tightening of the abdominal muscles. The procedure will be tailored to the unique needs of each patient, deciding on the right steps to achieve the patient’s desired results.

Whilst some doctors advocate aggressive liposuction and abdominoplasty in overweight patients, this carries risks and is not appropriate in most cases. Suitable patients for abdominoplasty should generally be at a healthy weight (BMI under 28) and should not be smokers as these factors can greatly increase the risks from the surgery. Abdominoplasty is NOT a procedure designed to produce weight loss.

Surgery benefits

An abdominoplasty can make aesthetic changes to the abdominal area, eliminating excess skin and fat and reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

Recovery time can vary for each individual, but patients may be able to return to non-strenuous work within one to three weeks after surgery. In many cases, most normal activities, including mild forms of exercise, can be resumed within a few weeks.

In certain cases, a portion of the procedure cost may be covered by Medicare and/or private health funds. Generally, for a patient to be considered eligible for a Medicare rebate, the procedure needs to be deemed medically necessary.

An abdominoplasty can offer a variety of benefits, depending on each patient’s personal preferences. It can create a flatter abdomen while removing excess skin and fat, improving the appearance of stretch marks, and potentially providing relief from medical conditions such as hernias or back pain caused by abdominal weakness.

What makes a suitable candidate for the procedure

Suitable candidates for abdominoplasty typically include individuals who have excess skin, fat, and weakened muscles in the abdominal area. This may be due to factors such as pregnancy, significant weight loss, or natural ageing. Good candidates for the procedure should be in good overall health, have a stable weight, and have realistic expectations for the outcome of the surgery. A consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is necessary to determine if a person is a good candidate for abdominoplasty.


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Dr Hanikeri has helped hundreds of patients over the years achieve their desired results.

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How much does abdominoplasty cost in Perth

We take a personalised approach to abdominoplasty costs, since the procedure is tailored to each patient’s unique needs. During your initial consultation, Dr Hanikeri will thoroughly assess your requirements, allowing us to provide you with an accurate and precise cost estimate for your abdominoplasty procedure.

Your initial consultation

The fee for your initial consultation to discuss an abdominoplasty procedure will be $250. This is required at the time of making a booking to secure your appointment. Additional consultations required to clarify the procedure plan will be $120.


We believe in providing exceptional support throughout your recovery journey. That is why post-operative check-ups, dressing changes, and suture removal are all included in the procedure cost and do not incur additional fees.

Your Surgical Fee Estimate

Our abdominoplasty fees encompass surgeon’s fees, anaesthesia fees, and hospital fees. Various factors, such as the complexity of the procedure and the duration of the operation, can influence costs. An in-depth discussion during your consultation will ensure that your unique procedure plan is considered when estimating your costs.


In January 2016, changes were made to the Medicare item number for abdominoplasty surgery, introducing new qualifying criteria for MBS item number 30177. These criteria restrict the item number to patients who have achieved a weight loss significant enough to decrease their BMI by 5 points (approximately 15-20kg) and have successfully maintained that weight for a minimum of six months.

As of 1st July 2022, another Medicare item number has been added for the procedure of abdominoplasty (MBS item number 30175). To be eligible for this you need to suffer from rectus diastasis (muscle separation) of greater than 3cm (measured on ultrasound), be at least 12 months after the last pregnancy and have failed conservative treatment, i.e. physiotherapy etc.  If you meet these criteria, then this surgery would be performed for medical reasons.

To discuss whether or not you are suitable for a Medicare rebate, you will need to visit your General Practitioner.

Our payment plan option

Patients have the option to participate in our pre-procedure payment plan prior to the procedure date. The full payment must be made at least two weeks before the procedure date, and you have the flexibility to make instalment payments on a weekly or monthly basis leading up to that date. This interest-free payment plan requires an initial deposit of $500 to secure your desired procedure date. It is important to note that we are unable to accommodate third-party payment plans, as this practice is not permitted by the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and AHPRA.

What does an abdominoplasty involve?

There are a variety of abdominoplasty procedures available, and operations can be tailored to suit the individual patient’s wishes and needs. There are many variations both to the design of the incisions and the technique itself.

When the amount of loose skin is minimal and excess fat deposits are located below the navel, a short horizontal incision above the pubic bone is all that is necessary. This procedure is called a partial or “mini” abdominoplasty.

For patients who have significant skin laxity, excess fat and separation of the muscles, a classic abdominoplasty is the most common procedure. Performed under General Anaesthetic, this operation can require patients to be in the hospital for three to five days.

During the operation, an incision is made from hip to hip and around the umbilicus (belly button). The excess skin and fat are excised from the umbilicus to just above the pubic hair. Then the muscles above and below the umbilicus are tightened. Finally, the skin is then stitched together resulting in a long scar across the lower abdomen. This is generally from hip to hip, and a new umbilicus is created.

Recovery and aftercare

After the surgery, you will typically spend two nights in the hospital for monitoring and initial recovery.

It is normal to experience some pain, swelling, and bruising in the abdominal area. Your anaesthetist will prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort during the initial stages of recovery.

Your surgeon will place dressings and possibly drains to collect excess fluid and promote proper healing. These may need to be changed regularly, and the drains are usually removed within a day or two, depending on your progress.

Adequate rest is essential during the initial recovery phase. You should plan to take time off work and avoid strenuous activities for several weeks. Follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding activity restrictions, gradually increasing your physical exertion as advised.

To support the healing process and minimise swelling, you will be instructed to wear a compression garment or abdominal binder for four to six weeks. These garments provide gentle pressure to the surgical area and help shape your new contours.

Proper scar care is important for optimal healing. Your surgeon will provide instructions on how to care for your incisions, including keeping them clean and applying topical treatments or scar creams as recommended.

Over time, you will gradually resume your normal activities based on your surgeon’s guidance. Light exercise, such as walking, can aid in the recovery process, but strenuous activities and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks.

Liposuction combined with an abdominoplasty

Liposuction is often performed at the same time as an abdominoplasty. However, liposuction can be recommended instead of abdominoplasty for younger patients who have good-quality, elastic skin. It can also be recommended for those whose area of concern is localised excess fat.

During the procedure, small incisions are made, excess fat is removed and the wounds are then closed. Some degree of skin tightening or shrinkage can be expected. However, the results of liposuction can sometimes be unpredictable. Liposuction alone will have less effect than an abdominoplasty.

Potential risks and complications

All surgical procedures carry some risks. The potential risks are discussed at the initial consultation and will be outlined via your secure patient portal (TouchMD). Some risks may include:

General risks of surgery

  • Bleeding, infection and reactions to anaesthesia. Tissue loss along portions of the horizontal incision is possible when the abdominoplasty is extensive.
  • Some pain and discomfort at your wound site should be expected during your recovery period and some patients report a feeling of abdominal muscle tightness up to several months after the procedure.
  • Wound infection (treatment with antibiotics may be needed)
  • While bruising will disappear over a period of weeks, it may be months before all swelling subsides.
  • Numbness over some portions of the abdominal area may persist for several months.
  • Patients undergoing this procedure should not be considering future pregnancies.
  • Incision lines may take months to fade and will be permanently visible.
  • Keloid or thickened scars (most scars fade and flatten, but some may become keloid or hypertrophic, and remain raised, itchy, thick and red. Such scars can be annoying but are not a threat to health. Additional surgery or injection treatment may be needed to try to improve the scar).
  • Slow healing (more likely to occur in smokers and people with diabetes)
  • Separation of wound edges
  • Chest infection (more likely to occur in smokers)
  • Usually, the continuous wearing of a post-operative compression garment will be required for several weeks following an abdominoplasty.

Specific risks of abdominoplasty

  • Differences in the symmetry between the right and left sides of the abdomen
  • The umbilicus may have an unusual shape as the skin around it has been removed and tightened with stitches
  • In some cases, surgery may produce a scar that extends from hip to hip
  • Swelling may take several months to resolve in some cases
  • If healing has been poor and scarring is unsightly, another procedure may be needed
  • Circulation may be poor in some areas of the skin around the surgical area. This may lead to a loss of some skin and leave a wound that needs to be dressed until healed (usually two to four weeks). In such cases, the scar will be worse and may require further surgery. Risk is greatest in smokers.

Why choose Dr Hanikeri for abdominoplasty in Perth

As a Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Dr Hanikeri has the necessary qualifications, experience and skills to perform cosmetic procedures.

He has spent over 20 years working in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery in Queensland, Western Australia and international centres. He is a member of The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS). He is registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as a Specialist Plastic Surgeon.

It’s essential to choose a qualified plastic surgeon to perform your abdominoplasty, in order to raise the likelihood of achieving ideal results and to reduce any associated risks.

Abdominoplasty FAQs

How long will it take for my incision to heal?

It takes four to six weeks for you to be able to resume normal activities, three months for the incision to start healing and up to a year for the skin to mature. The incision is made from hip to hip and around the belly button area, so for it to heal it’s important that you do not put any strain or pressure on your abdomen.

To take care of the incision, you will clean it with warm, soapy water daily. To get an exact timeline for the healing of the incision, talk to the surgeon.

Are there scars after the procedure?

While it’s true that there will be scars after surgery, it is important to remember that they do fade and become less noticeable with time and proper care. Your surgeon can work with you to minimise scarring and achieve the best possible outcome. Abdominoplasty scars around the abdomen and umbilicus tend to be wider than other incisional scars because of the skin tension in the area. The size of the scar will vary with each patient. Some scars may be unsightly. Ultimately, the procedure can lead to a flatter and more toned abdomen.